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Scott County Sheriff Proud to Announce Scott County Jail Passes IDHS Inspection


Scott County Sheriff Proud to Announce the Scott County Jail Passes Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission Inspection

(First True Full Compliance Status since the late 1980's)

Scott County-On 6-2-2022, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission Inspection concluded with a complete passage of compliance. IDHS Fire Inspector Michael Dickerson and IDHS State Fire Marshal Section Chief Randy Cooley thoroughly examined and scrutinized all building and fire prevention aspects of jail facility.  Inspector Dickerson provided Sheriff Goodin the full compliance report, which Sheriff Goodin countered with the following..."I sincerely appreciate the keen eye, fine tooth comb inspection conducted by Inspector Dickerson and Section Chief was tough but fair, just like how we operate. The inspection was so thorough, an issue dating back to 1986 was discovered as still deficient and prior to conclusion of the inspection, this issue was corrected. I, on behalf of all citizens of Scott County, wish to thank these inspectors and IDHS for their guidance, expertise, and professionalism. Further, I want to personally thank them for their partnership in validating the safety and fire prevention measures we have put in place".

 *Media Note-To clarify, this inspection was conducted by IDHS Fire Marshal Inspectors who check the "brick and mortar" fire safety measures of jail facilities and other public buildings so all who enter or work within are safe. The State Jail Inspector, also a division of the Indiana Homeland Security Team, inspects jail operations.  The Scott County Jail "has passed these inspections for the last three years, which is the first time this has happened in over 20 years". When Sheriff Goodin took over as Sheriff in 2019, he prioritized fine tuning in house jail operations, maximizing work space within the administrative and jail facility, and developing partnerships with safety professionals to validate SCSO processes. This inspection outcome is a direct result of all three lines of effort.  Scott County residents need to know this passage directly effects the cost of insurance that is paid by taxpayers for jail operations, continuing the savings to Scott County residents well into the foreseeable future.

