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Scott County Sheriff's Deputy graduates from ILEA


Scott County Sheriff's Deputy graduates from the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy

Scott County-On August 18th, Scott County Sheriff's Deputy Kyle West graduated from the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, concluding 16 weeks and 649 hours of law enforcement training. The academy, as known by those who have walked the hallways of the facility located in Plainfield, Indiana, is a training complex where citizens wishing to become police officers are molded (for lack of better terms) into what the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board wishes Indiana Police Officers to be...servants of the people.  Long training days, followed by even longer training days, resulted in 178 certified police officers and deputy sheriffs graduating from the 230th Session of the Law Enforcement Academy. The Mission Statement and Core Values of the Academy are as follows...MISSION: As Indiana's center for law enforcement education, the academy sets and maintains the standard for law enforcement education in the state. We prepare law enforcement personnel for service through continuous and innovative training guided by clear values and respect. CORE VALUES: Professionalism - Perform your job with competence and a commitment to excellence...Accountability - Take responsibility for your work and actions by living up to the highest possible standard...Inclusion - Continuously recognizing the value of everyone's contribution to our mission...Respect - All are treated with dignity, fairness, and a sense of purpose. Deputy West immediately reported for duty at the Scott County Sheriff's Office on August 21st (Monday), after enjoying the well-deserved weekend with his family.

kyle graduation 2023


Jail Deputy Russell Johns, Sheriff Goodin, Deputy West, and Lt Col Joe Guarneri

